Thursday, September 16, 2010

Beware of Tangents…


The Counseling Center had an open house today and free plants. This is Bernice. I don't know where the name came from but while I was trying to be a photographer (which I am not in the slightest, notice the blurriness of the image if you haven't already, sorry about that) the name blossomed in my mind… pun totally intended (honestly, when someone says "pun not intended" 9 times out of 10 they were, so they're lying, and the 1 time it's them not realizing they said it but everyone else did so everyone else laughs or groans or moans which ever you prefer… or any other -oan words… then it takes you a second to figure out what they're laughing about and you look like an idiot. So I own up to my puns because I can make myself look like an idiot anytime thank you)… ummm *looking back to see what I was talking about before* so, I'm hoping the plant won't die on me. The wonderful women at the center told me to give it a good amount of sun (on my bookshelf next to my window…check) and water it every few days. I can do that.

I have another plant, Bernie, and he's a one of the small bamboo plants you can get at New Age Creations, but Bernie was purchased from Ikea actually. But he requires minimal, and I mean minimal sunlight and I change his water three weeks. I'm hoping that Bernice will bring out my… well I was going to say nurturing side but I'm already that… I hope it bring about a good side of me. They say that old people with plants will live longer than those without them because you're driven every day to take care of something, the plant. I have an old soul, so maybe it'll be revitalized because I have no one here to take care of (that sounds sad…)

Maybe I'll find out that I have a green thumb. If so maybe I can go live in Central Park and press my green thumb to the grown and, magically, flowers and other flora will grow. I better be careful of not upsetting those who live in the Kingdom of Trolls because flowers are prohibited there. Maybe if I go down there and show them how truly beautiful and wonderful flowers are they wouldn't be so angry and miserable… like other people I know…

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