Your style is who you are, it's what you feel comfortable in. Your clothes are apart of you...you know. Personally, I love a pop of color, just something to catch your eye. Crazy patterns and colors in small doses pushes my buttons in the right way. One of my favorite sock retailers I've discovered is Happy Socks. Wonderful pairs of socks in vibrant colors, patterns and graphics are at everyones disposal, for $10 a pair. I have yet to order a pair but one day I will. They look so comfortable and welcoming!
I had a very exciting moment as I was going to my internship the other day. Getting off the elevator I see, posted on the door in front of me, a pair of orange Happy Socks with black, horizontal pin stripes. I wanted to take them and run, even though I didn't really care for them. I love socks! I don't know where it came from...but I guess I do.
I used to be that kid that wore white socks, then I started venturing into the world of black ankle socks...so straight! Then hello high school. In middle school I was in the Drama Club so I was starting to become more open and not as timid with myself and my body. During this time is when ripped jean became really big, thank you Abercrombie and Fitch. While walking through the mall I saw a pair of these jeans and said, "I could do that." The next day I took a pair of my jeans and introduced them to Mr. Scissors and Mr. Cheese-Grater. My mom was a little taken aback when she saw but was okay with it. Then I started growing my hair out in my junior year...that was fun. I had long, wavy, blonde hair, it was amazing. So, I went from this kid who wasn't so sure of himself or who he was to the artsy kid who was ripping his own jeans and paint splattering everything he owned. My mom kept begging me to cut my hair, which by the time I got to college was down to my shoulders, but I didn't. That's the only way I rebelled. I didn't really drink, smoke, do drugs or have random unprotected sex with people I met at homosexual gatherings during the the night time. I was kind of like a hippie, but clean.
Nowadays I'm a completely different person. If I went back in time, I wouldn't know who I was. When I was in high school I said "I hate wearing a shirt and tie, I feel so contricted." I adore shirts and ties now. If I could dress everyday in a shirt, tie and jacket I would be so happy. I saw A Single Man with Collin Firth, who played the main character, George [bottom picture], directed by Tom Ford [yes sir], and if I could dress like George everyday I would look so nice.
Right now I'm in an awkward in-between stage. I'm trying to move away from my "Express T-Shirts," you know, the ones with screen-printed graphics on it that are obnoxious, and go toward more simple, sophisticated clothing. My closet is so strange. It's full of t-shirts, only four of which I actually wear, a handful of shirts that I wear and a few jackets. I actually only have three pairs of jeans, I can't shop for pants to save my life, it's such a process. I went from having extravagant-looking clothes to a simple, clean-cut guy...with colorful socks.