Good day sunshine! It's finally Spring! After a dreadful winter of a climate that resembled one in Canada, constant snow, which caused two snow days, there is now sunshine and a temperatures of 65ºF.
The short days of winter are bleeding into the longer sunny days of spring, life is reborn from the dead. The trees are waking up and blossoming, flowers are reaching toward the sun through the dirt and even concrete. Love seems to fill the air as more people venture out to meet the day. And now it's the perfect weather for picnics.
Many festivals have been dedicated to this revival. In Afghanistan, the first day of Spring signifies the new year! The Christians around the world celebrate Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ who then ascended to Heaven, but not before hiding colored eggs and chocolate. In India they celebrate Holi, or the Festival of Colors, where they throw colored power and colored water at each other. They celebrate it at the end of the winter season on the last full moon of the lunar month.
Spring time is about life, renewal and colors! Live life and love it!
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