Get your mind out of the gutter, I'm not talking about masturbation. I'm talking about the goofy things you do when you think no one is around or when no one is looking. What tends to happen with me a lot of the time is that I think no one is looking, then I'm caught mid-act and I get strange looks from passersby.
There are a few things in particular that I just love to do. It first started last year when I was in Alumni Hall. I lived on the 6th floor and would always take the stairs, great exercise, and when leaving I would always dance down the stairs to whatever my iPod was playing. It's a wonderful way to start your day. This surge of energy just goes through your body that's filled with happiness and sunshine.
I'm always mouthing the lyrics when I'm listening to music and walking and on the subway I try to contain myself. I try to not move so much because I don't really want to draw attention to myself. But I just want to break into dance.
One time, it was about 1am and I as walking through Madison Sq. Park and it was absolutely deserted. When I realized this "I Feel it All" by Feist came on and I just let loose! I felt so free because I was out in public and just let it all go. Arms flailing, legs kicking in an uncoordinated way. No one was there to judge me or make some smart comment or shoot me a weird look. Bliss.
Recently, after another ridiculous rehearsal, a group of us started singing "A Whole New World" from Aladin, then we broke out into "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid. We didn't care how loud we were or who was annoyed, we just let it out. All of our frustration, anger and stress toward the show was released for those few minutes. Then it all flooded back after we were done laughing. But those moments were golden. I'm happy to say "Part of Your World" was videotaped and hopefully it won't be deleted.
I think a lot of people want this to happen, but I've always wanted to break out into dace in the middle of the sidewalk or at a park and have random people start to join in and know exactly what to do. Sounds corny, I know, but I don't care. I'll expand on this topic later...
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