One of the few, true beauties in life, music.
Listening to music while walking, reading, doing homework, sleeping, showering, talking with friends, sex, the list goes on and on.
One of the best gifts people can give me is a mixed CD. One of my favorite things to do is listen and experience music I've never heard before. It's like opening up a window shade to let more sun in your life. Anyway...I love getting new music. My friend DJ is one of the best mixed CDers I know. Every special event I hope he burns me a new CD. I've never been disappointed and I enjoy 99% of the music he's given me so far.
Can I just say how kick-ass it would be to be a traveling minstrel? Singing of tales you've heard, people you've met, the adventures you've been on. People hypnotized by your song [if you were good]. Plus the outfits you'd wear.
-Note- The picture featured I found in flickr when searching "mixed tape" and clicked interesting. Just wanted to share.
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