Now that the show is over it's time to get back on track. I'm going to start up again with one of my favorite topics...
Things happen for a reason.
I love the web of life and how everyone is interconnected. You know how people always say, "It's a small world" ? Well it's true, that's why everyone says it. Just in these few months I've been thrown into a world of small connections.
My epic story begins a year ago...
I decided to change my major because I realized I couldn't design menswear for the rest of my life. I had to redo ny whole spring schedule and I decided to take volleyball because I love it so. In my class was a wonderful girl, Lindsay. I had never met Lindsay before, I don't think I had ever seen her around school. We would always be the first two in the gym waiting for everyone else and we would just talk about how our lives were, laughing about silly things and then had fun during class. We were more acquaintances than friends. We became friends on Facebook, because that's what my generation does when they meet someone new. After that semester we didn't keep in contact, if we saw each other at school we would smile and wave to each other, ask how everything was going and then quickly run off to class. Unknown to each other we decided to apply to be an RA. After going to one of the many mandatory information sessions, the applying RAs had to pick a date for our interview session. I had picked Friday February 12 at 2:00pm because I had no classes that day. We had to sign in at the interview and I saw the name "Lindsay Rodabaugh." A few minutes later, she comes walking in, we see each other and big smiles come over both of our faces. We start to talk about everything and blah blah blah. On her Facebook I saw that she was a part of the recent FIT production and I asked how that went [this will come up again later...I hope you're following] Lindsay and I were then put in the same group during the interview session, so that made things that much better. The last part of this session was the actual interview, two to be exact. I had to interview with a Building Manager and then an RA. My RA was Gabrielle Montgomery. Lindsay knew who she was and said that she's really nice. I had never met or seen Gabby before this day. So during the interview she asked me what I did in high school, or something like that, and I said I was the "Drama Kid." She immediately started to tell me to try out for "Guys & Dolls" and I said I would think about it. After all was done, Lindsay and Gabby talked for a bit and Gabby reiterated to Lindsay to get me to try out for a role. One thing lead to another and I'm a part of the show. I clung to Lindsay because I knew no one and she knew everyone. I won't go into the drama that happened but Gabby messaged me on Facebook that she heard about some things that were happening and that I could talk to her whenever. We messaged back and forth a little because I just needed to vent. I got to know everyone better and then after one rehearsal we went over to Gabby's room, this is where our friendship really began, being in a casual, non-virtual, setting. Throughout rehearsals we all became closer and more comfortable with each other...I mean, by the end of the show Lindsay and I were making out on stage. Gabby eventually told me, "I Facebooked you because you had a 716 number." [Western New York area code] Come to find out Gabby lived in Lockport, which is close to Lewiston. She then told me about a fortune she got out of a fortune cookie "A lifelong friend shall soon be made." She received that on the same day as the interviews. She also told me that she was originally scheduled to do interviews for the week previously but had switched with someone.
Go figure...
Lindsay had told me that the best thing about Theatre Ensemble is the friendships you make. She was right.
There are so many different connections. During my first day at orientation we had to get our school IDs and I kept putting it off because the line was so long. Eventually my dad had to go to some parent thing and I decided to wait in line. The girl in font of me was wearing a DA [Dumbledore's Army] sweatband on her wrist, I commented on it and now she's a close friend. Also, if it wasn't for meeting her and changing my major, I never would have met my current roommate and close friend Patrick.
Also, one time I was going to meet my friend Jeff in Brooklyn for dinner. He told me how to get there and it was very simple: take the 2 or 3 to the first or second stop in Broolyn, I can't remember right now. I went to Penn Station, got on the 2, thought to myself, "wait, this is an express train and my stop isn't an express stop." [stupid I know but just wait...] I got off at the next stop, hopped on the 1 and then I realized how stupid I was. I got off at Chambers St. and got on the 3. I sat down and out of the corner of my eye I see someone walking toward my end of the car and I hear "Taylor!" It was Jeff. Not only did we get on the same subway, but the same car.
It's such a wonderful feeling when you realized why things happen, it so magical.
So many things happen for a reason, you just won't know until the end.
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