I just thought I'd share something that was thought of when I was waiting for the elevator....
What if elevators were alive? They would be pissed off all of the time. Think about it. Elevators never get a break, always up and down, up and down. They're constantly given orders by annoying people who don't care about them. They are sometimes given more than one request at the same time and they have to figure out the most efficient way to bring these people to their destinations. Sometimes they can spread the work between two or three of them but still. And when the people are too impatient they press the call button two more times then in a rapid succession if the elevator was taking too long. Then they always allow us into their mouthes and they don't eat us.
On a side not...all pictures of elevators are creepy. The lighting around them are not pleasing and are just...really creepy. They make me think of The Shinning. Creepy elevators...crelevators.
1 Response to The Strange Things I Think of...
In the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series elevators do have personality and they are quite existential. If you wanna go up they might recommend you go down...
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